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Hits:3483 2011-12-17
In schools, physical education programs have been cut, while the presence of high caloric junk foods has increased. Children nation-wide are experiencing an epidemic of obesity. Since 1981, obesity has increased by 106% in the United States. 31% of children are overweight. Obesity rates among children have doubled in the last 10 years and tripled for adolescents. Children born in the year 2000 have a 33% chance of becoming a diabetic if they're boys and 39% if they're girls. For the first time in 200 years, today's children are likely to have a shorter life expectancy than their parents.
The situation is just as sobering on the farm side of the equation. At the same time that obesity has reached epidemic proportions, family farming is facing its own crisis. It is facing the greatest decline of all occupations in the U.S. Less than 2% of the U.S. population is involved in farming, and the federal Census Bureau has declared the number of farms "statistically insignificant." The farmer share of the food dollar has declined from 41 cents in 1950 to 20 cents in 1999. The bleak outlook for earning a good living by farming is discouraging to the younger generation, with nearly half of farmers over age 55, and only 8% of farmers under age 35. With increasing costs for land and water, fewer marketing outlets, and the growth of suburban sprawl and agribusiness, family farmers find themselves selling the farm to feed their family. Many farms remain in business only because of family members who have other jobs and provide off-farm income.
Where does farm to school fit in? It is not a cure-all, but it can be considered one strategy in a basket of strategies. Farm to school is flourishing in the U.S. There are over 1,000 school districts in 32 states that have farm to school programs. In this context, farm to school refers to the purchasing component, but farm to school programs are the most effective when they are combined with agriculture and nutrition education. Visits to farms or farmers' markets, the creation of school gardens, inviting farmers into classrooms to talk to students, and compost and recycling programs, are all important ways to reinforce farm to school efforts. It's like connecting the dots . . . making the connection between what's eaten in the cafeteria, and what's taught in the classroom.
How do Farm to School Projects Work?
Farm to School projects are as different as the communities in which they exist. A major factor that influences how they operate is the local agriculture found in the region. The seasonality of crops is much different in California, where crops grow year-round, than in Maine, which has a short growing season. Areas with warmer climates may organize a complete salad bar, while those with colder climates might provide some of the ingredients for school meals and snacks.
The movement to organize a Farm to School project has come from farmers, schools, parents, and community groups. School food service staff are key in design and implementation. Principals, students, school board members and teachers can also be influential in setting up a project. Some projects are organized from "the bottom up" - initiated by parents or farmers, while others have come from "the top down" - initiated by the school board or administration. Either way is fine, as long as the effort is inclusive of all parties. Including as many players as possible will improve your chance of success by incorporating the ideas and concerns of all involved. Farm to School projects can involve anywhere from one to twelve farm products, and operate year-round or for two months. There is no one blueprint; successful projects are "custom-made" for each community.
What Assistance does the Farm to School Program Offer?
Workshops and Presentations
The Program is organizing workshops and presentations across the United States to: 1) inform folks about farm to school projects; and 2) bring together farmers, school food service directors, parents, and community organizers to address the barriers and opportunities involved in creating a Farm to School project.
National Conferences
CFSC held its third National Farm to Cafeteria Conference in March, 2007, in Baltimore, MD. See the Events page for a history of previous Farm to School conferences.
Technical Assistance
Contact Marion Kalb, CFSC's Farm to School Program Director, with your questions about starting a Farm to School Program. Assistance will be provided on a variety of topics, including how to find farmers, working with school food service directors, and creating a town hall meeting. A packet of information on Farm to School projects is presently being developed.
Healthy Farms, Healthy Kids
Evaluating the Barriers and Opportunities for Farm-to-School Programs. A review of existing Farm to School projects nationwide. A must have for everyone interested in this topic. Learn more.
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